Ruth Kitchin Tillman (Pennsylvania)

Homonyms and Spiders


Cross stitch
Designed and stitched by Ruth Kitchin Tillman / Tweet by Marc in a Cold Climate @marccold (anonymous)

“This tweet spoke deeply to my experience of trying to improve search for the hundreds of millions of records our library makes available. It’s an enormous challenge.”


Ruth Kitchin Tillman is the cataloging systems and linked data strategist at Pennsylvania State University.

Ruth’s design features a quote from Twitter by MARC in a Cold Climate (@marccold), which says “Keyword search is a cold, dark country, pal, full of homonyms & spiders.”


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Unseen Labor by Ann Kardos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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