Natasha Hollenbach (Indiana)

It’s Complicated!


Cross stitch
Designed and stitched by Natasha Hollenbach

“My work is in Digital Projects. Whenever I talk about metadata, I always end up saying ‘It’s complicated’ or ‘It depends’. This piece highlights the nuance (and sometimes frustration) of metadata by giving each letter its own theme.

  • M: The Five Types of Metadata (with the words Administrative, Descriptive, Technical, Structural, Preservation stitched inside)
  • E: Searching (Boolean, Facets, Sorting, Keywords, And Or, Filters, Exact Phrase)
  • T: Metadata Standards (BIBFRAME, Dublin Core, MARC, RDA, METS, EAD, MODS)
  • A: User Interactions (Usable, Interface, Find, Online, Discoverable, Accessible)
  • D: Current Trends (Crowdsourcing, Linked Data, Tags, CAD, OCR, HTR, Digital Humanities, API)
  • A: Maintenance (Legacy Data, Updates, Clean-up, Migration, Fix, New Term)
  • T: Controlled Vocabularies (TGM, TGN, LCNAF, MeSH, LCSH, NALT, CONA, AAT)
  • A: Flexible/Consistent and Aggregate/Local (Flexible, Consistent, Focus, Details, Aggregate, Local) are the two big balances acts that we all perform with our metadata.”


Natasha Hollenbach is the digital projects manager at the Indianapolis Public Library in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The word METADATA is stitched in large letters across the middle of the piece. Each letter has words backstitched inside of it, according to the theme described above. Below METADATA is the phrase, “It’s Complicated!” stitched in shades of green.


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