
A&S: Arts and Sciences

AAAS: American Association for the Advancement of Science

AACU: Association of American Colleges and Universities

AAMC: Association of American Medical Colleges

AAU: Association of American Universities

ABCD: Asset-Based Community Development

AN: Adaptive Network

AOSC: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

APLU: Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities

ASCN: Accelerating Systemic Change Network

ASTR: Astronomy

BFA: Boulder Faculty Assembly

BIOL: Biology

BioTAP: Biology Teaching Assistant Project

CACAO: Specify the (C)hange, Understand (A)dopters, Organize (C)hange (A)gents, and Attend to (O)rganizational structures and cultures.

CBMG: Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics

CCE STEM: Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM

CCLI: Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement

CCT: Cross-course Communities of Transformation

CHEM: Chemistry and Biochemistry

CICS: Current Instructional Climate Survey

CIRTL: Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning

CMNS: College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

CMSC: Computer Science

CODS: Characteristics of Dissemination Success

COVID: (Co)rona(vi)rus (D)isease

CRUSE: Coalition for Reform of Undergraduate STEM Education

CTE: Center for Teaching Excellence

CTL: Center for Teaching and Learning

CU-B: University of Colorado Boulder

CUR: Council of Undergraduate Research

CURE: Course-based undergraduate reserach experience

CV: Curriculum Vitae

DAT: Departmental Action Team

DBER: Discipline-Based Education Researchers

DBES: Discipline-Based Education Specialists

DEI: Diversity, equity & inclusion

DFW: “D” or “F” grade or withdraw

EBEP: Evidence-based educational practices

EBIP: Evidence-based instructional practices

EHR-DUE: Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Division of Undergradate Education (National Science Foundation)

ENTM: Entomology

ExCEL: Excellence x Confidence Equals Leadership

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

FAST: Faculty Advocates for STEM Transformation

FIRST: Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching

FLC: Faculty Learning Community

FSSE: Faculty Survey of Student Engagement

FTE: Full-time employees

GEOL: Geology

GPA: Grade point average

GTA: Graduate teaching assistant

HHMI: Howard Hughes Medical Institute

HN: Hierarchical Network

IE: Inclusive Excellence

ILI: NSF Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement program

INCLUDES: Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science

IUSE: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education

KU: University of Kansas

LA: Learning assistants

LTO: Long Term Outcome

M: Mean

MATH: Mathematics

MOOC: Massive Open Online Courses

NASEM: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

NIC: Networked improvement community

NSEC: Network of STEM Education Centers

NSF: National Science Foundation

NSSE: National Survey of Student Engagement

OAPA: Office of Academic Planning and Assessment

P&T: Promotion & tenure

PCAST: President’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology

PERSIST: Promoting Education Reform through Systemic Investments in STEM Transformation

PHYS: Physics

PI: Principal Investigator

PIC: Peer Implementation Cluster

PKAL: Project Kaleidoscope

POD: Professional and Organizational Development

QUBES: Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project

RCN-UBE: Research Coordination Network-Undergraduate Biology Education

REALISE: Realizing Inclusive Science Excellence

RED: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments

REDPAR: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments Participatory Action Research

REFLECT: Redesigning Education for Learning through Evidence and Collaborative Teaching

RISE: Research Innovation Service Experiential Learning Institute

SaLT: Students as Learners and Teachers

SEA-Change: STEMM Equity Achievement Change

SEI: Science Education Initiatives

SEISMIC: Sloan Equity and Inclusion in STEM Introductory Courses

SET: Student evaluation of teaching

SIMPLE: Sustained, incremental change, mentoring, people-driven, learning environment

SL: Student leaders

STEP-U: Survey of Teaching Beliefs and Practices for Undergraduates

TA: Teaching assistant

TEFD: Teaching Excellence and Faculty Development

TEval: Teaching Evaluation

TLC: Teaching and Learning Center

TOC: Theory of Change

TPB: Theory of Planned Behavior

TPD: Teaching professional development

TQF: Teaching Quality Framework Initiative

TRESTLE: Transforming Education, Stimulating Teaching and Learning Excellence

TU: Towson University

TUES: Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM

UBC: University of British Columbia

UMass: University of Massachusetts, Amherst

UTOP: UTeach Observation Protocol

WIDER: Widening implementation and demonstration of evidence-based reforms