Chapter Nine – Cultures, Queerness, and Ethnicity
Notes on Gloria Anzaldúa

Gloria Anzaldúa 1942-2004
- Born to a ranch owner in Texas, worked the fields throughout high school
- Indigenous, Basque and Spanish descent
- Endocrinology issues led to menstruate at a few months old and to an early hysterectomy- “I was born queer”
- B.A in English, Art, and Secondary Education from Pan American University
- M.A. in English and Education from the University of Texas at Austin
Professional Career
- Non-tenure track positions at San Francisco State University, the University of California, Santa Cruz and Florida Atlantic University
- Co-editor (with Cherrie Moraga) of This Bridge Called My Back
- National Endowment for the Arts Fiction Award 1991
- Post-humously awarded PhD from UC Santa Cruz 2005
Theoretical Contributions: New Mestiza
- Borderland subjectivity/ Nepantilism: torn between ways – mental state of the mestiza who speaks multiple tongues and is the result of multiple ethnicities
- Divergent Thinking: Challenges Western binary thinking
- Multiracial or multiethnic
- Believes in, embraces and promotes multisexuality – professes her love freely
- Queerness connected with Mestiza and Indigenous soul
- Counterstance is step toward liberation, but not a way of life. Either live in two shores or abandon “white” culture
Anzaldúa died at 62 from complications of diabetes.
The Border
“Borderlands/LaFrontera” by ThirdWorldThirdSpace
Part Nine Video Lecture
Media Attributions
- Gloria Anzáldua © K. Kendall is licensed under a CC BY (Attribution) license