Science and Technology/Engineering

13 Categorical Index of Lesson Plans

Lauren Weiss

This is an index of the falcon curriculum lesson plans as categorized by both Common Core Standards, Falcon Curriculum Core Categories, a brief description of the lesson, and its related activities. Each Common Core Standard links directly to the lesson in question.

Common Core Standards Falcon Curriculum Core Categories Description Activities
PreK-ESS1-2(MA) Animal Behavior Diurnal/noctural; positions of the sun and falcon behavior. Sun and moon cutouts.
Geography Peregrine falcon habitats. Peregrine falcon sensory bins.
Conservation and Policy Basic conservation; how peregrine falcons were brought back from endangerment/extirpation. Falcon scavenger hunt.
PreK-LS1-1(MA) Anatomy and Life Cycle How birds are built; parts of a peregrine falcon. Falcon toilet paper roll craft.
Animal Behavior Peregrine falcon 5 senses. 5 senses activity.
PreK-LS2-1(MA) Anatomy and Life Cycle Distinguishing living things from non-living things. Peregrine falcon sensory bins.
Animal Behavior
What peregrine falcons eat. Birdwatching.
Recycled bottle bird feeders.
Anatomy and Life Cycle Heredity amongst chicks; differences between adults and juveniles. Cotton ball chick craft.
PreK-PS1-2(MA) Anatomy and Life Cycle Describe, compare, sort, and classify natural and human-made objects. Peregrine falcon sensory bins.
PreK-PS2-1(MA) Animal Behavior Peregrine falcon movement and flight. Bird yoga.
Bird wings craft.
K-ESS2-2 Conservation and Policy Humans changed the environment with pesticides, realized it, and began focusing on conservation. Soft shelled egg experiment.
K-ESS3-1(MA) Animal Behavior How weather affects peregrine falcons. Illustrate weather-related activities for humans and falcons.
K-LS1-1(MA) Anatomy and Life Cycle What peregrine falcons eat. Birdwatching.
Recycled bottle bird feeders.
K-LS1-2(MA) Anatomy and Life Cycle How peregrine falcons grow up. “Head, Feathers, Wings, and Feet”
Hatching Chick Craft
K-PS2-1 Animal Behavior Peregrine falcon flight. Flying bird craft.
Bird yoga.
1-LS1-1 Anatomy and Life Cycle How peregrine falcons use their body parts and senses. 5 senses activity.
1-LS1-2 Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
How peregrine falcon parents take care of their offspring. Venn diagram between falcon and human parents/guardians.
1-LS3-1 Anatomy and Life Cycle Observe similarities and differences between peregrine falcons (sexual dimorphism, etc.) Coloring actual size falcon silhouettes.
Conservation and Policy Human-made nests for peregrine falcons. Shoebox dioramas of nest boxes.
2-LS2-3(MA) Geography
Animal Behavior
Peregrine falcon habitats. Shoebox dioramas.
2-LS4-1 Geography
Animal Behavior
Observe and compare different types of falcons in addition to peregrine falcons. Venn diagrams comparing/contrasting peregrine falcons and other types of falcons.
3-LS1-1 Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Peregrine falcon life cycle. Journals chronicling the falcon cam livestream.
Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Heredity; inherited traits vs. traits resulting from environment. “Birds of Prey” panel recording.
Journals chronicling the falcon cam livestream.
Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Variation in characteristics providing advantages to survival and reproduction. LEGO bird building.
Conservation and Policy Changes in peregrine falcon habitats caused by pesticides; peregrine falcon conservation. Soft shelled egg experiment.
3-PS2-1 Animal Behavior Peregrine falcon flight. Audubon for Kids paper airplane birds.
4-LS1-1 Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Peregrine falcon anatomy, life cycle, and behavior. Journals chronicling the falcon cam livestream.
Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Peregrine falcon flight. Audubon for Kids paper airplane birds.
Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Peregrine falcon flight. Audubon for Kids paper airplane birds; designing their own paper airplanes.
5-ESS3-1 Conservation and Policy Changes in peregrine falcon habitats caused by pesticides; peregrine falcon conservation. Soft shelled egg experiment.
5-LS2-1 Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Movement of matter. Movement of matter charts.
5-PS3-1 Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Energy. Movement of matter charts.
6.MS-LS1-3 Anatomy and Life Cycle Peregrine falcon anatomy. Dissect owl pellets.
7.MS-LS1-4 Animal Behavior Peregrine falcon behavior. Journals chronicling the falcon cam livestream.
Conservation and Policy Relationship between humans and peregrine falcons, historically and currently. Timelines.
7.MS-PS3-1 Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
Advantages of sexual dimorphism in peregrine falcons, especially in relation to hunting. Wingshot experiment.
8.MS-LS1-5 Anatomy and Life Cycle
Environmental and genetic factors that influence the growth of peregrine falcons. Case study: 72/BV.
Anatomy and Life Cycle
Genetic variations in falcon subspecies; humans changing the inheritance of desired traits in them to restore falcon populations. Falcon family tree.
8.MS-PS2-1 Animal Behavior Newton’s third law and falcon stoops. Caw-tapult experiment.
HS-LS2-7 Conservation and Policy Effects of human activity on peregrine falcons; conservation. Anti-pesticide pamphlets.
HS-PS2-1 Animal Behavior Newton’s second law, sexual dimorphism, and falcon stoops. Wingshot experiment.
HS-ETS1-1 Anatomy and Life Cycle
Animal Behavior
How studying peregrine falcons (and nature in general) can inspire design solutions to complex, real-world problems. Article
Identifying design problems that could be improved by studying peregrine falcons.