Science and Technology/Engineering
13 Categorical Index of Lesson Plans
Lauren Weiss
This is an index of the falcon curriculum lesson plans as categorized by both Common Core Standards, Falcon Curriculum Core Categories, a brief description of the lesson, and its related activities. Each Common Core Standard links directly to the lesson in question.
Common Core Standards | Falcon Curriculum Core Categories | Description | Activities |
PreK-ESS1-2(MA) | Animal Behavior | Diurnal/noctural; positions of the sun and falcon behavior. | Sun and moon cutouts. |
PreK-ESS2-1(MA) PreK-ESS2-2(MA) |
Geography | Peregrine falcon habitats. | Peregrine falcon sensory bins. |
PreK-ESS3-1(MA) PreK-ESS3-2(MA) |
Conservation and Policy | Basic conservation; how peregrine falcons were brought back from endangerment/extirpation. | Falcon scavenger hunt. |
PreK-LS1-1(MA) | Anatomy and Life Cycle | How birds are built; parts of a peregrine falcon. | Falcon toilet paper roll craft. |
PreK-LS1-2(MA) PreK-LS1-3(MA) |
Animal Behavior | Peregrine falcon 5 senses. | 5 senses activity. |
PreK-LS2-1(MA) | Anatomy and Life Cycle | Distinguishing living things from non-living things. | Peregrine falcon sensory bins. |
PreK-LS2-2(MA) PreK-LS2-3(MA) |
Geography Animal Behavior |
What peregrine falcons eat. | Birdwatching. Recycled bottle bird feeders. |
PreK-LS3-1(MA) PreK-LS3-2(MA) |
Anatomy and Life Cycle | Heredity amongst chicks; differences between adults and juveniles. | Cotton ball chick craft. |
PreK-PS1-2(MA) | Anatomy and Life Cycle | Describe, compare, sort, and classify natural and human-made objects. | Peregrine falcon sensory bins. |
PreK-PS2-1(MA) | Animal Behavior | Peregrine falcon movement and flight. | Bird yoga. Bird wings craft. |
K-ESS2-2 | Conservation and Policy | Humans changed the environment with pesticides, realized it, and began focusing on conservation. | Soft shelled egg experiment. |
K-ESS3-1(MA) | Animal Behavior | How weather affects peregrine falcons. | Illustrate weather-related activities for humans and falcons. |
K-LS1-1(MA) | Anatomy and Life Cycle | What peregrine falcons eat. | Birdwatching. Recycled bottle bird feeders. |
K-LS1-2(MA) | Anatomy and Life Cycle | How peregrine falcons grow up. | “Head, Feathers, Wings, and Feet” Hatching Chick Craft |
K-PS2-1 | Animal Behavior | Peregrine falcon flight. | Flying bird craft. Bird yoga. |
1-LS1-1 | Anatomy and Life Cycle | How peregrine falcons use their body parts and senses. | 5 senses activity. |
1-LS1-2 | Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
How peregrine falcon parents take care of their offspring. | Venn diagram between falcon and human parents/guardians. |
1-LS3-1 | Anatomy and Life Cycle | Observe similarities and differences between peregrine falcons (sexual dimorphism, etc.) | Coloring actual size falcon silhouettes. |
1.K-2-ETS1-1 1.K-2-ETS1-2 |
Conservation and Policy | Human-made nests for peregrine falcons. | Shoebox dioramas of nest boxes. |
2-LS2-3(MA) | Geography Animal Behavior |
Peregrine falcon habitats. | Shoebox dioramas. |
2-LS4-1 | Geography Animal Behavior |
Observe and compare different types of falcons in addition to peregrine falcons. | Venn diagrams comparing/contrasting peregrine falcons and other types of falcons. |
3-LS1-1 | Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
Peregrine falcon life cycle. | Journals chronicling the falcon cam livestream. |
3-LS3-1 3-LS3-2 |
Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior Geography |
Heredity; inherited traits vs. traits resulting from environment. | “Birds of Prey” panel recording. Journals chronicling the falcon cam livestream. |
3-LS4-2 3-LS4-3 |
Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior Geography |
Variation in characteristics providing advantages to survival and reproduction. | LEGO bird building. |
3-LS4-4 3-LS4-5 |
Conservation and Policy | Changes in peregrine falcon habitats caused by pesticides; peregrine falcon conservation. | Soft shelled egg experiment. |
3-PS2-1 | Animal Behavior | Peregrine falcon flight. | Audubon for Kids paper airplane birds. |
4-LS1-1 | Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
Peregrine falcon anatomy, life cycle, and behavior. | Journals chronicling the falcon cam livestream. |
4-PS3-1 4-PS3-3 |
Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
Peregrine falcon flight. | Audubon for Kids paper airplane birds. |
4.3-5-ETS1-3 4.3-5-ETS1-5(MA) |
Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
Peregrine falcon flight. | Audubon for Kids paper airplane birds; designing their own paper airplanes. |
5-ESS3-1 | Conservation and Policy | Changes in peregrine falcon habitats caused by pesticides; peregrine falcon conservation. | Soft shelled egg experiment. |
5-LS2-1 | Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
Movement of matter. | Movement of matter charts. |
5-PS3-1 | Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
Energy. | Movement of matter charts. |
6.MS-LS1-3 | Anatomy and Life Cycle | Peregrine falcon anatomy. | Dissect owl pellets. |
7.MS-LS1-4 | Animal Behavior | Peregrine falcon behavior. | Journals chronicling the falcon cam livestream. |
7.MS-LS2-2 7.MS-LS2-4 |
Conservation and Policy | Relationship between humans and peregrine falcons, historically and currently. | Timelines. |
7.MS-PS3-1 | Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
Advantages of sexual dimorphism in peregrine falcons, especially in relation to hunting. | Wingshot experiment. |
8.MS-LS1-5 | Anatomy and Life Cycle Geography |
Environmental and genetic factors that influence the growth of peregrine falcons. | Case study: 72/BV. |
8.MS-LS4-4 8.MS-LS4-5 |
Anatomy and Life Cycle Geography |
Genetic variations in falcon subspecies; humans changing the inheritance of desired traits in them to restore falcon populations. | Falcon family tree. |
8.MS-PS2-1 | Animal Behavior | Newton’s third law and falcon stoops. | Caw-tapult experiment. |
HS-LS2-7 | Conservation and Policy | Effects of human activity on peregrine falcons; conservation. | Anti-pesticide pamphlets. |
HS-PS2-1 | Animal Behavior | Newton’s second law, sexual dimorphism, and falcon stoops. | Wingshot experiment. |
HS-ETS1-1 | Anatomy and Life Cycle Animal Behavior |
How studying peregrine falcons (and nature in general) can inspire design solutions to complex, real-world problems. | Article Identifying design problems that could be improved by studying peregrine falcons. |