- accogliere
to welcome
- alzarsi
to get up
- andare
to go
- attrarre
to attract
- avere
to have
- bere
to drink
- capire
to understand
- cogliere
to pick; to gather
- comporre
to compose
- condurre
to conduct; to lead
- dare
to give
- dire
to say; to tell
- distrarre
to distract
- divertirsi
to have fun
- dormire
to sleep
- dovere
must; to have to
- essere
to be
- fare
to do; to make
- finire
to finish
- mettersi
to put on
- obbedire/ubbedire
to obey
- porre
to pose; to place
- potere
can; to be able to
- preferire
to prefer
- produrre
to produce
- proporre
to propose
- pulire
to clean
- scegliere
to choose
- scrivere
to write
- spedire
to send
- stare
to stay
- supporre
to suppose
- tenere
to hold; to keep
- togliere
to take away
- tradurre
to translate
- trarre
to pull; to draw (out of)
- uscire
to go out
- venire
to come
- volere
to want