A Note for the Instructor
Benvenut* a Torniamo a tavola! Both volumes of this text are part of a larger curriculum redesign of our intermediate level courses at UMass Amherst. The text itself is just what it claims to be: a grammar manual, complete with detailed grammar explanations, examples in context, and short auto-graded exercises at the end of each structure for students to test out their knowledge of the material. Each unit has a cultural theme with a vocabulary list that is purposefully brief, as it is meant to be a starting off point for students to also actively engage in the creation of their own personal Italian “dictionaries.” Outside of the text, there are also a variety of assessments for each unit, including readings, discussion activities, presentations, and a workbook and laboratory manual integrated into the university’s LMS. Though these materials are not present within the text, I am happy to share them as part of the greater world of the OER. If you’re interested in syllabi, assessments, readings, lesson plans, and other supplementary material, please contact me at mamasterson@umass.edu. A reminder also that the license for this book allows you to use whatever parts of this text you find relevant, change anything you want, and essentially tailor the material to fit your students and their needs and interests. The only limitations are attribution (the original should be attributed to me) and non-commercial (no money can be made from your version). If you have questions about how to go about cloning and changing the book, you can contact me about that as well. Buon lavoro!