14 Works Cited

Belfast News-Letter
Black and White
Bucknell Review
College English
Critical Quarterly
Daily Chronicle
Daily Telegraph
English: The Journal of the English Association
English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920
English Review
Essays in Criticism
Essays in Poetics: The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist Circle
Fortnightly Review
Illustrated London News
Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic News
Irish Times
Lady’s Pictorial
Literature, Interpretation, Theory
Liverpool Echo
Manchester Guardian / Guardian
Modern Drama
Modern Language Quarterly
Morning Leader
National Observer
New Statesman and Nation
New Theatre Quarterly
New Yorker
Nineteenth Century Theatre
Pall Mall Gazette
Papers on Language and Literature
PMLA (Publications of the Modern Language Association of America)
Quarterly Journal of Speech
Raritan: A Quarterly Review
Reynold’s Newspaper
Saturday Review
Science Magazine
Sewanee Review
South Atlantic Quarterly
Sunday Times
Textual Practice
The Album
The Athenaeum
The Era
The Graphic
The Man of the World
The Morning
The Nation
The Athenaeum
The Observer
The People
The Realm
The Referee
The Sketch
The Speaker
The Stage
The Times
The World
Times Literary Supplement
Weekly Times & Echo
Westminster Gazette
Whitehall Review
Woman: A Paper for Gentlewomen

Other Works

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Dawick, John, Pinero: A Theatrical Life (Niwot, Colo.: University Press of Colorado, 1993)

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Duncan, Barry, The St. James’s Theatre: Its Strange & Complete History 1835-1957 (London: Barrie and Rockliff, 1964)

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Kohl, Norbert, Oscar Wilde: Das literarische Werk zwischen Provokation und Anpassung (Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1980); Kohl, Oscar Wilde: The Works of a Non-conformist Rebel, trans. David Henry Wilson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989).

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